
November 20, 2018 ~ 6 min read

My Ricing Journey

As far as i remember i've started ricing since early 2015, maybe late 2014 but i couldn't find the screenshot. Using ElementaryOS as my first distro, i started my ricing journey.

The oldest screenshot i could find
Who miss Kyoukai no Kanata? I am :'

In 2015 i'm still student at vocational high school, with software engineering as my major, that's where i became acquintance with linux. The dogma in society is that linux user interface are oldschool and boring, yeah, that's also what i thought at that time. I've already ricing in windows since windows vista until windows 10, with only ad startdock and fence in desktop until using UXTheme Patcher that often result in BSOD. The first forum that i know is Kaskus Windows Desktopoholic Club, that's where i found many way to rice desktop. Until i come to know Linux.

I though that time, if there exist forum that discuss about ricing windows, why not ricing linux desktop exist? Then i found Kaskus Linux Desktopoholic Club. There's lot of reference that i could learn there. In that thread i found link to Facebook group Linuxer Desktop Art and join it. The above screen shot is my first submission. Using ElementaryOS with XFCE Desktop Environment. The default Desktop Environment in ElementaryOS is Pantheon, it's very exciting when i can switch my DE to XFCE.

Unsatisfied with it i tried another DE. Unity, KDE, Budgie, Gnome, i try all of them, but nothing beats XFCE 😁. Not only DE, i also tried WM. My first WM is Fluxbox. I didn't knew how to quit Fluxbox session and force shutdown my laptop to quit Fluxbox. Then i try another WM, Openbox. With the power of Google i found greate site that teach how to configure Openbox from scratch. I'm in love with how light weight it is. While i also tried other WMs, but never use it for daily. Until now, my main desktop is XFCE and Openbox.

First wm ricing using Openbox and tint2 as panel
Nichijou S2 when? :"

There's time when i'm stopped ricing. Too much lab report that i must do and many another thing. But, i come back. Ricing is like my life, i dunno what i must do if it's not ricing. With Telegram become more popular between programmer and linux user, LDA have super groupchat there, you can join Dotfiles ID it here. Many great ricer will help you if you having a problem. I also active in that group. Like i said before there's time when i'm stopped ricing, but now, even when my group project deadline is near, i will procrastinating while ricing my desktop. Long live ricing!

Ricing Journey Gallery

August 11, 2015
Ubuntu 14.04

October 15, 2015

October 19, 2015
urxvt: ncmpcpp, scrot

November 9, 2015
pcmanfm --desktop
Breeze Dark
Segoe UI
Jelly Conky

November 13, 2015
urxvt: screenfetch, ncmpcpp

November 21, 2015
urxvt: ncmpcpp

April 10, 2016
OS: Manjaro 15.12
DE: xfce
Font: Roboto
GTK Theme: Arch-Dark-Black [Arch-Dark Edited]
WM Theme: pur-dark [puro edited]
Icon: Campurr [Flatrr + Flat Remix]
Running: xfce4-terminal [screenfetch]

April 15, 2016
Yotsugi bes grill
openbox, tint2, smplayer, termite[neofetch]

April 28, 2016
arc-grape[arc-darker edited]
puro-grape[puro edited]
campurr[flattr+flat remix]
termite[ncmpcpp, neofetch]

May 12, 2016
de ─> xfce
wm ─> xfwm4
icon ─> hexagonal
gtk ─> so-black
panel ─> xfce4-panel + xfce4-dockbarx-plugin
running ─> ncmpcpp | neofetch

May 21, 2016
Hari ini, setahun yang lalu
de: xfce
wm: xfwm
wm theme: custom
gtk: custom
icon: lupa edit dari apa
running: ncmpcpp, neofetch

June 3, 2016

June 8, 2016

July 16, 2016
megane girl
| manjaro | xfce | xfwm |
| neofetch | ranger | ncmpcpp | xfce4-panel |

September 18, 2016
termite[ncmpcpp, neofetch]

September 19, 2016
paper gtk theme
paper icon
xfwm custom

June 5, 2017
"Telat sahur karena modding desktop"
de: xfce
wm: xfwm4
gtk: whitey (xfcolorize edited)
wm theme: puro_osx (edited)
icon: papirus dark
dockbarx theme: etched (edited)
running: thunar, viewnior

July 1, 2017
gtk&wm theme: super-white
dockbarx icon: compacticons(edited)
running: termite(neofetch), xfce4-panel

July 18, 2017
masih xfce
xfce4-panel+dockbarx plugin, termite, viewnior, mpv

September 25, 2017
lama ndak ngirim submisi di sini
xfce // xfwm
xfce4-panel // thunar // termite // ncmpcpp

July 18, 2018
mac wannabe
theme: fantome-colorizer, generated from pywal cache with colorizer
wm theme: ribbon, attempt to port Adhi Pambudi's pita xfwm4 theme to .xpm file
running: ncmpcpp-with-albumart by Fikri Omar, colorfetch, ahoviewer, plank, xfce4-panel

September 8, 2018
Judul: Malming yang gabut, temen pada pulkam
OS: Archlinux
WM: Openbox
Tema WM: myobtheme
Panel: tint2
Terminal: urxvt
Berjalan: ncmpcpp, ufetch-arch

October 5, 2018
Umu! OS: Archlinux
WM: Openbox
Terminal: Urxvt
Panel: Tint2
Running: ncmpcpp, ufetch
Cursor: nero

October 6, 2018
Malming kok nge-ricing
OS: Arch
WM: xfwm4
Terminal: Urxvt
Panel: xfce4-panel, tint2
Running: ahoviewer, pipes-diagonal, ncmpcpp
WM Theme: 365os-light-green edited
GTK Theme: fantome generated with colorizer

October 10, 2018
another openbox in archlinux machine
Terminal: Urxvt
Panel: tint2
Font: Iosevka
Fetch: archfetch
Music player: mpd & ncmpcpp
Image viewer: Viewnior
Compositor: Compton

October 13, 2018
mek-oes mohave
os: arch
wm: openbox
panel: xfce4-panel
dock: plank
compositor: compton with kawase blur
running: thunar, cava, mugshot
logout-window: clearine

October 18, 2018
balik ke kotak-kotak karena belum ada antialiasing buat rounded corner di openbox
os: archlinux
wm: openbox
panel: tint2
terminal: urxvt
launcher: rofi
running: mugshot
compositor: compton with kawase blur

November 7, 2018
「vintage honda super cub」
archlinux | xfwm4 | mpd | ncmpcpp | xfce4-panel | xfce4-dockbarx-plugin | modified xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin by Nanda Okitavera | thunar | mantablockscreen
gtk and xfwm4 theme generated with colorizer

November 20, 2018
archlinux | openbox | tint2 | rofi |

Maxi Ferreira

My name is Muktazam Hasbi. I writes about tech, mainly linux stuff and my stories in this blog. You can see some of my work on GitHub.